
My father went to work for the Permanente Metals Corporation in Yard One of the Richmond California Kaiser Shipyards before the United States was involved in World War II. When my father started working at Kaiser Permanente Shipyard in Yard One, they were making ships for the British. After the United States entered WW II with the attack at Pearl Harbor, he was “frozen” to his job. After WW II was over, his job at Kaiser was done. In 1945, the Permanente Metals Corporation presented my father with a book; “In Appreciation of Your Cooperation on a JOB WELL DONE”. The book has has his signature in gold on the front cover. The book is unique in that most of the pages in the volume are actual 8 x 10 photographic prints that are mounted onto the pages.

There are 50 pages total in the book. They have all been scanned and are presented here in the same order as in the original book. I hope that these pages will help preserve the memory of the thousands of men and women who labored in very hazardous jobs to make the Liberty and Victory Ships in massive numbers that have not been seen in ship building since. These pages are also dedicated to the memory of the brave men and women of the US Merchant Marine and the U.S. Navy Armed Guard who risked and gave their lives aboard these vessels transporting vital supplies and materials around the world.